Iron can be produced through powdered metal/MIM as well as through sand and investment casting. Sand casting is where most of the tonnage runs. Iron is heavily alloyed with the ability to cost effectively meet a slew of different product demands. Standard irons are gray and ductile grades which are used in automotive, heavy equipment, pumps etc….When looking at small net shape components considering powdered metal can be highly cost effective, while also gaining excellent surface finish and best near net shape.
High wear and abrasion resistance is another class leading area of iron often called the white irons. General toughness as well fatigue strength are other defining characteristics of iron castings.
Chisel points, metering, ground engagement and mining are all categories where the white irons shine.
Iron products can be painted, plated and machined. Solidification modeling is readily used by iron foundries to precisely define mold and part development.